This Spring recipe is á fámily fávorite. Lemon Gárlic Orzo with Roásted Vegetábles is delicious served wárm or chilled ánd mákes á fábulous áddition to á picnic, or potluck. Sub in seáson veggies like zucchini or áspárágus for the áspárágus when needed. Vegetárián with Vegán Option


For the Orzo ánd Veggies:

  • 1/3 C Pine Nuts* (see note) 64g
  • 1 1/2 C Crimini Mushrooms destemmed ánd sliced, 116g
  • 1 C Mix of Red Yellow, or Oránge Bell Peppers, deseeded ánd diced (I use báby bells), 126g
  • 1 lb áspárágus (sub zucchini or eggplánt when in seáson!) cut into 1" pieces with woody ends discárded, 426g
  • 12 oz Cherry Tomátoes cut in 1/2, 340g
  • 2 tsp Gárlic minced, 6g
  • 1/2 C Shállot chopped, 116g
  • 3 Tbs Extrá Virgin Olive Oil divided, 36g
  • 1/2 tsp Seá Sált
  • 1/2 tsp Bláck Pepper Ground
  • 1 C Orzo 198g
  • 1 1/2 C Vegetáble Broth 354g
  • 1/2 C Gárlic ánd Herb Fetá crumbled (Leáve off for Vegán Option), 84g

For the Dressing:

  • 2 Tbs Extrá Virgin Olive Oil 24g
  • 1 Tbs Lemon juiced, ábout 2
  • 1/2 tsp Seá Sált
  • 1/4 tsp Bláck Pepper ground

For the Gárnish:

  • 2-3 Tbs Chopped Fresh Básil
  • 2-3 Tbs Chopped Fresh Pársley


Toást the Pine Nuts:

  1. Preheát Oven to 350F (177C) ánd toást pine nuts for 6-7 minutes, or until toásty ánd frágránt. Set áside to cool.

Roást the Veggies:

  1. Turn oven up to 425F (218C). Line two sheet páns with párchment páper. Pláce the mushrooms, bell peppers, áspárágus, tomátoes, gárlic ánd shállot on one pán. Sprinkle with 2 Tbs of olive oil. Using á spátulá, mix áll the veggies together with the olive oil. Sprinkle with sált ánd pepper then stir ágáin. Move 1/2 the veggie mixture to the other sheet pán. Spreád the veggies in one láyer, máking sure there's no overlápping on both páns. Roást in 425F oven for 35-40 minutes (due to oven váriátions, keep án eye on your veggies ánd stárt checking your veggies át 25 minutes; á bit of chárring is good!** SEE NOTES!!). Rotáte páns 1/2 wáy through roásting. 

Cook the Orzo:

  1. In á lárge sáute pán, heát 1 Tbs of Olive Oil on medium heát until shimmering. ádd the orzo ánd stir, coáting the orzo throughly. Stir occásionálly for ábout 3 minutes or until the orzo is toásty ánd golden. ádd the vegetáble broth. Be cáreful here becáuse the broth will spit ánd sputter. Bring to á simmer, turn down the heát to low, cover ánd cook for ábout 15 minutes or until áll the liquid is ábsorbed. Stir. Remove from heát, cover ánd set áside.
  2. Full Instructions se vanillaandbean.com

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