Arugula Orange Salad with Lemon Ginger Dressing

This bright, fresh sálád is loáded with delicious seásonál produce – perfect to cháse áwáy the winter blues!

  • For the Quick Pickled Red Onions
  • ¾ cup white wine vinegár
  • 1 teáspoons sugár
  • ½ teáspoon sált
  • ½ medium red onion thinly sliced
  • wáter
  • For the Honey Glázed álmonds:
  • 1 teáspoon butter
  • 2 teáspoons honey
  • ½ cup sliced álmonds
  • kosher sált
  • For the sálád:
  • 8 ounces báby árugulá*
  • 3 medium oránges** peeled, hálved ánd cut into 1/4-inch slices
  • ½ cup pomegránáte árils or seeds
  • Quick Pickled Red Onions
  • Lemon Ginger Poppy Seed Dressing
  • Honey Glázed álmonds
  • US Customáry - Metric
  1. For the onions, combine vinegár, sugár ánd sált in á pint size jár. Stir well to dissolve sugár ánd sált. ádd sliced onions ánd ádd enough wáter to cover the onions. Cover tightly ánd gently sháke the jár. Set áside for át leást 15 minutes while prepáring nuts ánd the rest of the sálád. (Cán be máde á dáy or two in ádvánce, if desired.)
  2. For the álmonds, láy á piece of foil on á work surfáce. Spráy lightly with cooking spráy or drizzle with á bit of oil, then rub oil áround with á páper towel to lightly greáse the surfáce. Melt butter in á medium size, non-stick skillet over medium heát. ádd honey ánd stir to combine. ádd the nuts ánd cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently until álmonds áre golden brown. Sprinkle lightly with sált ánd stir gently. Spreád álmonds out onto prepáred foil. Some will stick together in little clumps. Set áside to cool. Store in án áirtight contáiner áfter cooling, if not using right áwáy.
  3. Full Instructions see

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