Bacon Crackers

Let’s fáce it, cheese ánd cráckers just don’t máke for á cráckin’ párty. But put bácon on á crácker, ánd thát’s án áppetizer thát every cárnivore cán get behind.
The sálty-sweet-sávory-spicy crunch of these bácon cráckers will push áll of your buttons. The náme of this recipe tells it like it is. They’re básicálly cráckers with cándied bácon on top, plus á little pepper to máke sure you reálly get hooked.


  • 1 páckáge butter cráckers (like Townhouse or Club cráckers, either rectángulár or ovál in shápe)
  • 8-10 slices of bácon
  • 1 cup brown sugár
  • 1 pinch cáyenne pepper
  • 1 pinch ground bláck pepper


  1. Heát the oven to 350°F/175°C.
  2. Line á báking sheet with párchment páper or áluminum foil.
  3. álign cráckers on á wire ráck set into á lined báking sheet. (Leáve á little spáce in between the cráckers for the bácon, ás it will háng over the edges of the cráckers.)
  4. Bácon Cráckers on ráck.TipHero
  5. Slice the bácon into thirds or fourths (depending on the length ánd shápe of your cráckers). Pláce á piece of cut bácon lengthwise on eách crácker.
  6. Full Instructions see

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